Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy techniques

It is responsible for preventing, treating and recovering through physical means, a wide variety of ailments including musculoskeletal injuries, orthopedic injuries and sports-related injuries. It also helps control chronic pain by reducing anxiety and improving mobility.

Some of the most common ailments are the following: Cervical pain, lumbago, dorsalgia, sprains, tendonitis, recovery from operations (fractures, prostheses, hernias…), dislocations, muscle tears, etc. 

With the treatment we manage to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, recover mobility, strength,   and adapt your return to your daily routine before the injury.   

Massage and stretching

Massage is a set of techniques aimed at alleviating muscle pain, whether it be due to tension, energy blockage or lack of tone.

With sports massage we can activate your muscle fibers to generate vasodilation and reduce muscle fatigue. To do this we will use some stronger techniques in terms of pressure and depth, since the objective is to reach deep muscle fibers.

It will help all your body systems function better and be at 100%.

We will also focus on preventing and treating injuries that may appear due to your sporting gesture, since, depending on the sport you practice, some muscles or joints will be more affected than others.

Depending on whether it is a treatment before the competition, or for recovery after the event, or for unwinding between training sessions, the techniques used will vary.
Education is the key to mitigating physical problems.

“Treat yourself + eat well + rest = live better”

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Relaxing massages

We are used to going to our physiotherapist when we already have some pain or discomfort that interferes with our daily or sports activities in a correct manner.

Therefore, even if you do not have any current injury, you can enjoy one of our relaxing massages, based on the principles of physiotherapy, the mobilization of muscle and fascial tissues and the regulation of the nervous system.

In a relaxing massage we use superficial maneuvers in which the intensity of the pressure is softer, with a slow and repetitive rhythm, so that, upon receiving repeated contact, the sensation of pain is lost and the muscles relax.

With this massage we achieve the secretion of endorphins that is produced during its application, known as the happiness hormone, it will help you relieve muscle tension, improve circulation and achieve a reduction in stress and anxiety, taking you to a mental state of relaxation.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that can help combat swelling and cellulite, help recover from injuries, reduce bruising, promote healing, improve blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, as well as promote the elimination of toxins. It is performed with gentle movements and maintained at a slow pace, to avoid the rupture of lymphatic vessels.

This manual technique helps the tissues recover more superficially. It helps reabsorb fluid, stimulating and facilitating the passage of lymph through the circulatory system. It is a resource used by the body when intense or prolonged exercise has been performed.

It is very effective after sports tests, but lymphatic drainage can also be indicated during pregnancy, after plastic surgery, injuries and trauma to muscles, tendons or joints, during the menstrual period, after any surgery and is a priority after cancer treatment, to treat lymphedema.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura


It is a transverse massage, which produces mechanical effects such as the separation of adhesions produced during healing and repair processes of injured tissues.”

The aim of the Cyriax technique is to eliminate and relieve diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the affected musculotendinous joints. This therapy is a comprehensive form of treatment for tendon joints, since sports or chronic overloads often produce inflammatory states that can be very painful.

It is an excellent option for the treatment of muscle injuries, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, both recent and late sprains or strains, injuries to the adhered fibrous sheaths, capsular injuries, joint stiffness, retractions and acute processes of the spine.

We manage to eliminate or improve scar restrictions. Its application can sometimes be annoying, but it is worth it due to its favorable results.

Diacutaneous fibrolysis (hooks).

It is an evolution of the Cyriax massage, and hook-shaped instruments made of plastic or steel are used for this.

These tools help us to access a greater and more precise depth than with manual manipulation, producing a mechanical stimulus of greater force on certain points, thus releasing the tissue that presents fibrosis (painful inflammation that occurs in regions where the connective tissue thickens producing adhesions, fixations, and loss of flexibility and mobility).

In our center we “hook” numerous injuries such as tendinopathies, sprains, muscle adhesions, fasciitis, scars… with very positive results.
As always, we must first assess whether this technique is favorable for your case.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Neurodynamic techniques

Neurodynamics consists of a set of techniques that mobilize peripheral nerves and help with injuries to them, such as herniated discs, chronic pain, cervicobrachialgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and even muscle and tendon injuries.

As a diagnosis, we perform specific maneuvers to create tension in the nerve, seeking to reproduce the symptoms that bother you.
Initially, it was assumed that the objective was to mobilize the nerve along its path, in order to free it from entrapment.

Today, it is known that its function is neurochemical, neurophysiological and neuroimmune; therefore, we use these techniques for both diagnosis and treatment.

Neuropercussion hammer

It is a small instrument, formed by a system of springs and axles that trigger a controlled and directed force, at high speed and low power.

It is very effective in unblocking the spine and joints, and due to its gentle application and safety, it can be used to treat both small children and the elderly, with problems as delicate as osteoarthritis and decalcification.

It is used in all problems that are treated with osteopathy, with the advantage that it can be used even in people with a weak constitution.
It is a safe and non-traumatic method, since the instrument works at high speed and low power, so it is indicated even in cases of advanced osteoporosis or acute inflammation.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura


It is one of the tools used in physiotherapy, and there are many and varied positive effects in the treatment, depending on the type of current applied: decreased pain, increased circulation, improved cellular trophism, improved sports training, cell and muscle tissue regeneration, anti-inflammatory effects, improved healing and help in general recovery.

Kinesiotape or neuromuscular taping

This innovative tape consists of a longitudinally adhesive cotton fabric with a protective paper. The design of the tape closely resembles human skin, which has flexibility or stretch, allowing the injury to recover quickly and naturally.

At a sporting level, it easily adapts to the execution of any sport because it does not limit movement, but the elastic bandage can correct the alignment of weak muscles, facilitating movement.

Due to its firmness when adhering to the skin, it produces relief from the pressure that inflammation or injury can exert on the nociceptors that detect the presence of the injury. In turn, it produces a stimulation of the mechanoreceptors that significantly improves proprioception and produces a great improvement at the joint and muscle level.

It is also of enormous help in different types of pathologies: musculoskeletal ailments, circulatory disorders, visceral dysfunctions and neurological diseases.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Dry puncture

It consists of inserting an acupuncture needle directly into the trigger point (it should be noted that the needle is not an injection, so no substance is applied to the trigger point).

A certain amount of pressure and contraction is exerted on the muscle fiber to act on the trigger point: the stimulation prevents the continued release of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that perpetuates the contraction. Dry puncture reduces pain and improves inflammatory processes in the area.

It is a technique that can be a little uncomfortable for the patient, but don’t worry… we will explain each part of the technique to you at all times, and you will feel better afterwards.

Electropuncture and electroacupuncture

Acupuncture pens are electrical devices used to replace needles used in the application of the technique. They are designed with different capacities, as they have the ability to discover the meridians and acupuncture points to cause the stimulus.

They use a direct current that acts on the body’s static electricity and energy channels, obtaining neuromodulation of the body system.

We also combine acupuncture with an electrostimulation device, giving rise to electroacupuncture, which consists of applying therapeutic electric current to acupuncture needles through electrostimulation devices.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Cupping or Cupping (myofascial decompression)

Although it is known for being a technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this therapy has been used for much longer. It is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and was later adopted by Chinese, Arab and Greek civilizations, among others.

Using suction cups, we apply different vacuum pressures to the skin, to acupuncture points or to reflex zones to treat ailments or imbalances, being highly effective in releasing adhesions and treating scars, relieving contractures and joint blockages.

As with any therapy, we first carry out an assessment to see if it is a suitable and safe technique for your particular case, as it can cause temporary bruising (such as a “hickey”), swelling or pain. The marks that remain usually disappear after several days.

If so, we use them in several ways and for different purposes:

Mobile suction cup: we slide the suction cup from one side to the other producing a massage effect, thus stimulating the circulation of blood, lymph, helping to eliminate toxins, improve adhesions, and contractures.
Fixed suction cup: One or more suction cups are attached to reflex points of the body.
Fixed suction cup and joint movement to release mobility restrictions or improve tendinopathies.

Myofascial induction or release

Las técnicas de Inducción Miofascial consisten en manipulaciones y compresiones sostenidas a través de los movimientos corporales de todo el sistema de fascias.”

Durante la sesión , percibirás una sensación de presión suave por parte de las manos del fisioterapeuta, ya que se requiere de contacto directo para realizar la técnica, cuya compresión se mantiene fija durante un determinado tiempo, de ésta forma se induce cambios muy positivos en el sistema. Éstas técnicas son largas y pausadas, dejando que la estructura vaya cediendo a al ritmo que necesita. Es una terapia que resulta generalmente muy agradable.

Es de gran ayuda y eficacia en el tratamiento del sistema locomotor: Trastornos musculoesqueléticos: con técnicas manuales de inducción y relajación miofascial se eliminan los síntomas dolorosos con lo que se recupera la función correcta del aparato locomotor: Tensión muscular aguda o crónica, contracturas musculares, postoperatorios y prevención de la salud

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Exercises for proprioception, mobility and strengthening

Proprioception leads us to improve our balance, stability and coordination; joint mobility exercises are essential to keep our joints healthy and functional; muscle training strengthens both muscles and bones.

All of this helps us to improve performance and the correct function of our body.
And if we practice any sport, it helps prevent injuries and help us recover more quickly if we suffer one.

PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology)

Psychoneuroimmunology or PNI is the science that tries to see the person as an integral being. Psychoneuroimmunology studies and treats each case in a reasoned, scientific and personalized way.

We introduce psychoneuroimmunology or PNI in many of our treatments, since many factors influence our state of health, such as nutrition, physical exercise, stress and lifestyle habits; modulating these aspects helps us achieve a deeper and longer-lasting recovery.

Técnicas fisioterapia, Physiotherapy techniques, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

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