
Questions and queries

Do you have questions about our physiotherapy, osteopathy or acupuncture treatments?

Do you have questions about our physiotherapy, osteopathy or acupuncture treatments?

Here in our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section, we resolve your concerns

Questions and queries

Do you have questions about our physiotherapy, osteopathy or acupuncture treatments?

Do you have questions about our physiotherapy, osteopathy or acupuncture treatments?

Here in our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section, we resolve your concerns

We are here to help you every step of the way!

We resolve your concerns and bring you closer to the clarity and security you seek before beginning treatment.

What you can notice in an Osteopathy session2024-09-17T17:17:44+02:00

You will have a feeling of body relaxation, as we help your body to find harmony in your muscular and nervous system, and it also improves the mobility of the body, bringing it to a state of balance, elasticity and adequate coordination, reducing the sensation of pain.

Applying these techniques also leads to a regulation of the immune system, preventing long-term disorders, because we improve the body’s self-regulation mechanisms, which are ensured by the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

On many occasions we work together with other specialists such as pediatric specialists, traumatology, neurology specialists, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, psychologists, to carry out an interdisciplinary approach.

What is the first visit like?2024-09-17T17:19:26+02:00

Since 2006 we have treated more than 20,000 patients, offering an integrative physiotherapy and osteopathy service to help you on the path to recovering your health and quality of life.
To do this we are constantly expanding our studies and deepening our knowledge.

In each of the sessions, we put our maximum attention to discover the true cause of the problem; to solve it correctly and as quickly as possible, thus saving you time and money.

To give you a rough idea of ​​what a first visit is usually like, we will tell you below:

– We take your personal data in accordance with the official data protection law (LOPD).

– We carry out an interview, in which you tell us the reason for your consultation and the symptoms that bother you.

Although it is not essential, if you have medical reports and can bring them, you offer us more information, to better refine the physiotherapy diagnosis, establish a better prognosis, and find the most appropriate therapy.

– We explain how we are going to proceed, depending on the characteristics of the injury.

We carry out an examination standing, sitting and on the stretcher, both static and performing various movements and maneuvers to guide us on the root of the problem: if it is joint, muscular, neural, how it has come to occur and how your body has been compensating.

– We apply the techniques that we consider most appropriate in each session, among which are manual therapy, needle techniques, deep massage and stretching that help to eliminate pain and achieve the highest possible level of well-being.

-We will indicate, if necessary, exercises, recommendations and guidelines to follow, which are part of the recovery process, so that it occurs as quickly as possible.

Our treatments are supported by clinical psychoneuroimmunology, also called clinical PNI, a health discipline that is responsible for studying the relationship and interaction between physiological and psychic processes, the immune system and the endocrine system of the human body.

By understanding physiology, molecular biology, and biorhythms, we can offer therapeutic tools to improve lifestyle, which include nutrition, physical exercise, rest and stress management. This therapy helps us prevent and reverse acute and chronic processes, improving people’s quality of life.

Even so, we cannot guarantee a specific number of sessions for your recovery, since in the process of maintaining and recovering health, there are many factors that influence, such as the severity of the injury (a serious accident is not the same as a muscle contracture due to a sustained posture), the affected structure, or the time that you have been carrying that injury. There are patients who obtain spectacular results with a single session, and others may need medium – long term recovery.

What we can assure is that we put all our intention into ensuring that each session gives you the maximum benefit and we try to ensure that if you visit us again, you do so more for a prevention and relaxation session than for an acute situation from the start.

¿Atendéis a clientes de seguros médicos?2024-05-06T08:19:21+02:00

No formamos parte del cuadro médico de ningún seguro de salud .No obstante, si estás interesado en nuestros servicios, contacta con tu seguro. Si es de reembolso , te preparamos la factura correspondiente  para que te abonen el porcentaje que tengas contratado. 

How many sessions will I need?2024-09-17T17:19:59+02:00

It varies greatly, there are people who get spectacular results with just one session, and another person may need medium-long term recovery. There are various factors that can influence the result, such as the previous physical condition, if you have been suffering from the injury or ailment for a long time, if you have associated diseases…

Can I train or play sports after a physiotherapy session?2024-09-17T17:20:16+02:00

You can do those stretches that you never feel like doing or take that walk that you never have time for. If you are one of those who find it hard to stop, you can do a gentler workout and notice the sensations of your body. And if your body asks for it…, take advantage of it and take the day off to relax. You can always say that your physiotherapist recommended it to you.

Is it normal to have pain on the first day after treatment?2024-09-17T17:20:30+02:00

Some physiotherapy techniques may cause discomfort during their application or after the session and it may be common for you to feel muscle ache in the treated areas for 24 to 48 hours, and even some bruising to appear, if you are prone to bruising.

However, it is very important that you tell us if any of the techniques we perform are unpleasant for you to endure. It is not necessary to suffer during the session.

I call by phone, and they don’t answer me2024-09-17T17:20:44+02:00

We are most likely in consultation or attending to someone else. We will call you back as soon as possible.

I can’t go to the visit2024-09-17T17:20:59+02:00

Just let us know at least 24 hours in advance. We only work with one patient at a time, so if you cancel your appointment in advance, you are giving us the opportunity to see someone else who needs it. We would greatly appreciate it, and so would the person whose appointment you bring forward!

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