
Discover the ancient art of balancing vital energy

If you’re looking for natural relief and a deeper connection to your well-being, discover the transformative power of acupuncture.


Descubre el arte milenario de equilibrar la energía vital

Discover the ancient art of balancing vital energy

If you’re looking for natural relief and a deeper connection to your well-being, discover the transformative power of acupuncture.

Acupuncture is more than just needles

Acupuncture is more than just needles

Through strategic points, the healing power of the body is awakened, relieving ailments and promoting a feeling of deep peace.

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Acupuncture Techniques

Acupuncture Techniques

From traditional acupuncture that balances your energies, to modern techniques such as electroacupuncture that combines tradition with technology (needles, cupping, auriculotherapy, tuina)

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)   seeks emotional, mental and physical balance. If there is no harmony with the environment, an imbalance occurs that generates diseases. It considers something as a whole; there are no diseases, but sick people, and treats the person in a personalized way. Although it is more than 3000 years old, it was in the last century when it entered Western medicine, which was modified to give it a more scientific character.  

 There is already a large amount of scientific literature, in which scientific evidence is expressed regarding its efficacy and clinical effectiveness, both in randomized controlled studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and network meta-analyses. 

For the diagnosis of diseases, this method uses specialized devices that measure the energy of the organs. The patient’s face is also observed, and the temperature and pulse are taken. 

Take into account emotions, as they are the cause of internal imbalances. Anger, sadness, tiredness, fatigue, resentment, fears and anxieties are what cause the body to feel sick. 

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Among the most used techniques are:

  • La acupuntura: Se insertan agujas de acero, muy delgadas en los puntos que se encuentran a lo largo de los meridianos del cuerpo. Los estímulos ayudan a reequilibrar el organismo en pocas sesiones.

  • Acupresión: emplea los fundamentos de la acupuntura para aplicar presión en los puntos estratégicos del organismo. Realiza masajes con movimientos específicos para inducir el relajamiento y el descanso.

  • Aplicación de ventosas: se aplica una presión negativa, mediante unos frascos de vidrio o de plástico y al colocarlos sobre los puntos estratégicos, estimula el flujo de energía o Qi.

  • Moxibustión: suministra calor generado del calentamiento de fibras vegetales, como la artemisa china para una mayor estimulación del punto y recuperar la vitalidad.

  • Fitoterapia china: Consiste en la mezcla de distintas materias de fitoterapia, las cuales tienen diversos efectos en el organismo , para llegar a su armonía.


TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE (TCM) maintains that the human body is a small universe linked by channels, also called meridians, that run through our body.

Illness is considered an energetic imbalance of the organism, caused by external factors (cold, heat, humidity, viruses, bacteria, etc.), by internal factors (malfunction of an organ, blood insufficiency, emotional disturbances, etc.). 

Energy flows constantly as it passes through these channels, keeping the tissues healthy and providing vitality to the organs so that they function properly. These channels must always be kept clear, as any obstruction will cause the interruption of this flow in the body, causing physical and psychological disorders. 

By inserting and manipulating fine needles in specific points of the body, we can harmonize the body’s functions and restore energy balance, thus recovering health. 

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

How does acupuncture work? 

It has effects on the nervous system, stimulating the activity of analgesic substances (such as endorphins and immune system cells). When the needle is inserted into certain points, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that act on the physiological functions of our body. 

Is acupuncture treatment painful? 

Although it is practically painless, the insertion of the needle will produce a sensation that can range from a simple tickling sensation to a slight cramp, with the sting being almost imperceptible. Afterwards, you will often notice a feeling of calm and well-being. 

Some of the most common physiological effects you can observe after an acupuncture session are  pain relief, improved blood circulation, reduced inflammation, decreased muscle spasms, increased vital energy… 

The effects from the first session are usually positive. Acupuncture eliminates blockages in your body system, restoring balance to your body and a better quality of life. 

Electropuncture and electroacupuncture

Acupuncture  pens are electrical devices that are used to replace the needles  used in the application of the technique.

They are designed with different capacities, as they have the ability to discover the meridians and acupuncture points to cause stimulation. They use a direct current that acts on the body’s static electricity and energy channels.

We also combine acupuncture with an electrostimulation device, giving rise to electroacupuncture, which consists of applying therapeutic electric current to acupuncture needles through electrostimulation devices.

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Suction cups or cupping

Using suction cups , we apply different vacuum pressures to the skin, to acupuncture points or to reflex zones to treat ailments or imbalances, being highly effective in releasing adhesions and treating scars, relieving contractures and joint blockages.

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

As with any therapy, we first carry out an assessment to see if it is a suitable and safe technique for your particular case, as it can cause temporary bruising (such as a “hickey”), swelling or pain. The marks that remain usually disappear after several days.  

If so, we use them in several ways and for different purposes: 

  • Ventosa móvil: deslizamos la ventosa de un lado a otro produciendo un efecto masaje , así estimulamos la circulación de la sangre , la linfa , ayudando a eliminar toxinas, mejorar adherencias, y contracturas

  • Ventosa fija: Se adhieren una o varias ventosas en puntos reflejos del cuerpo.

  • Ventosa fija y movimiento articular para liberar restricciones de movilidad o mejorar tendinopatías.

Tui Na

The philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine treats patients holistically, focusing on physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Acupuntura Xátiva, Acupuncture, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Tui Na goes beyond the muscles, bones and joints, accessing a deeper energetic level.

Tui Na massage is often used in conjunction with other Chinese medicine therapies such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, moxibustion and cupping.

Due to daily stresses, bad lifestyle habits , which produce blockages in the Qi channels , and alter health, Tui Na is intended to restore your physiological and emotional balance, unblocking the meridians and improving your overall health . 

Explore each technique and discover the one that resonates with your path to well-being and harmony.