
Discover a natural path to well-being with osteopathy!

This manual therapy goes beyond the symptoms, addressing the roots of your discomfort.


Discover a natural path to well-being with osteopathy!

Discover a natural path to well-being with osteopathy!

This manual therapy goes beyond the symptoms, addressing the roots of your discomfort.

In osteopathy practice  we evaluate the individual as a whole, with the aim of determining the root of the problem. That is why we use different techniques and methods that are classified according to the area of ​​the body to be treated.  

These include: 

Cranial Osteopathy

It focuses on cranial problems and their influence on the central nervous system.

Structural Osteopathy

Dedicated to the restoration of the musculoskeletal system and posture, focusing on the spine and trauma. It is one of the most used due to the prevalence of injuries that affect the muscular and skeletal system in general.

Visceral Osteopathy

Aimed at acting on the tissues that participate in the functions of the abdomino-pelvic viscera and the related fibrous membranes.

Pediatric Osteopathy

Pediatric Osteopathy is the gentle and completely safe adaptation of structural, visceral and cranial Osteopathy techniques to babies and children, which are applied to adults without generating excessive tension.

Osteopathy in Xátiva, a journey towards the integral balance of the body

Osteopathy in Xátiva, a journey towards the integral balance of the body

Using gentle and specific manual techniques, it releases tensions, restores mobility and rebalances your system. If you are looking for relief, recovery and a deep sense of physical harmony, osteopathy opens the way to authentic well-being.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Study of Osteopathy

Study of Osteopathy

It is an area of ​​study that focuses on the skeletal system and the manipulations that can be performed to generate intrinsic effects that encourage the body to heal itself.

Osteopathy   takes into account that all the body’s systems work together, they are related, and therefore disorders in one system can affect the functioning of the others. It is therefore a holistic practice.  

It requires the in-depth study of specific knowledge based on the anatomy and physiology of the human body, the knowledge of how different tissues intervene in the production of the disease, and the application of techniques to normalize the altered functions. 

What is Osteopathy?

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual diagnostic and therapeutic approach to alterations in the mobility of any type of body tissue and today, in the era of evidence-based medicine, osteopathic medicine must use scientific methodology to be validated and to respond to the academic and professional demands of these new times where only rigor and scientific basis are valid. 

For many reasons, what is important in osteopathy is to make a good OSTEOPATHIC DIAGNOSIS and for that, in the first stage of treatment a complete examination of the posture, palpation of the tissues, mobilization, orthopedic and neurological tests, even in some cases, radiological examination and laboratory tests that the patient can provide, is included. 

The osteopathic examination will reveal all the mechanical alterations of the locomotor system, the skull and the visceral system.

In the therapeutic part, the osteopath will apply a whole series of techniques adapted to the previously established osteopathic diagnosis.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Modern Osteopathy

It acts in an integrative way , the three branches must be integrated in the osteopathic practice, with deep anatomical, physiological, biomechanical and physiopathological bases. Osteopathy is a complete and global science.  

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

The techniques are very varied, but we must remember that it is not the techniques that are most important, but rather our ability to understand therapeutic integrity.

Osteopathy is known for its popular “trust”, precision spinal manipulation, but little is known about the depth and importance of other techniques, such as neuronal, stretching, muscle energy, isometric and proprioceptive techniques, techniques for the fascia, for the vascular bundles, inhibition and stimulation techniques, gentle techniques for the skull, visceral mobilization techniques and gentle visceral induction techniques…

Our goal in these interventions is to restore normal movement and function of the affected body structures, relieve pain, improve circulation and facilitate the body’s natural healing process. 

Osteopathy is used in a wide variety of disorders and organic conditions ranging from the osteoarticular and musculoskeletal system (sprains, muscle contractures, tendonitis, vertigo, radiculopathies , atm ), digestive conditions (irritable bowel, constipation, gastritis), and the genitourinary system (incontinence, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea). 

It is also indicated for respiratory conditions (asthma, cough, bronchitis), neuronal disorders (headache, trigeminal neuralgia), in the pediatric area , in the obstetric, sports, geriatric, postoperative areas and sleep disorders, fatigue, vertigo, stress and no less important, in the prevention area. 

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

And, as with any therapy, contraindications must be taken into account, such as cervical rheumatoid arthritis  , carotid or vertebrobasilar disease, bone metastases and  severe osteopenia  , patients with low vitality, fractures, unstable joints and recent surgeries. Also in patients with open wounds, deep vein thrombosis, underlying neoplasia, recent trauma, metastatic cancer, infections such as tuberculosis and hypercoagulable states. 

For this reason, in our center, we previously carry out a personalized assessment to evaluate whether these techniques are appropriate for you. 

Physiotherapy   is closely linked to  osteopathy since in both we use manual techniques for the treatment of health conditions and problems .  Both disciplines aim to reduce pain and restore your physical well-being through effective treatment techniques.  

Our team has extensive training in osteopathic manual therapy in all its forms. 

Structural Osteopathy

Structural Osteopathy treats   the structures that make up the musculoskeletal system, including muscles,   fascia , bones and joints, tendons and ligaments.  

We perform diagnostic tests to determine movement restrictions and look for malfunctions in the system.

We always keep in mind that the body is an inseparable unit in which connective tissue surrounds muscles, bones and internal organs, connecting distant areas of the organism.

Because of these physical connections, symptoms often do not appear at the time or location of the injury. If there is an alteration in the function of the structure, it will end up altering that structure.

And if the structure lacks the necessary requirements, it can hinder its optimal function; this is why function and structure are closely related.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

The techniques we use in Structural Osteopathy are aimed at activating the body’s own healing processes , helping to recover from illness and maintain health. Structural Osteopathy regulates the structures of the posture and body that cause pain, through specific manipulation, achieving: 

  • Pain reduction.

  • Aumento de la movilidad de las estructuras
  • Regular las regiones afectadas , previniendo recaídas del dolor anterior.
  • Activación de los procesos de autocuración del organismo y restablecer el movimiento fisiológico.

It is a highly effective treatment if you suffer from musculoskeletal disorders such  as: 

  • Lumbalgia y ciática: la terapia disminuye la tensión muscular de los músculos de la zona lumbar, pélvica e incluso extremidades inferiores, disminuyendo la presencia de dolor. Se mejora la biomecánica normal vertebral de la zona lumbar y pélvica, disminuyendo la excesiva presión del disco intervertebral afectado.

  • Contracturas musculares: las técnicas funcionales inhiben los puntos gatillos miofasciales, y lleva a la restauración del movimiento restringido.

  • Vértigo: las técnicas mejoran el rango de movimiento articular , especialmente de las primeras vértebras cervicales (atlas-axis) frecuentemente relacionadas con el origen de vértigos y mareos. Un bloqueo articular en esa zona puede alterar el riego sanguíneo que va al cerebelo y al oído , y llevar a la sensación de mareos e inestabilidad.

  • Cefalea tensional: Regulamos el tono de la musculatura cervical y suboccipital, y la técnica Thrust en región cervical y dorsal ayudan eliminar las tensiones dolorosas reflejas en la cabeza.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy was created by an  American osteopath  , Sutherland, at the end of the 19th century, who discovered that the movement of the skull was palpable thanks to the primary respiration mechanism (PRM). 

This mechanism is manifested by mobility between the skull and the sacrum due to a large membrane, the dura mater. This movement has to be harmonious and balanced, therefore, the moment there is any alteration in this movement, we may have some alteration in the rest of the body.

Therefore, treatment with this type of therapy will aim to balance the circulation of CSF thanks to various manual techniques.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

How can cranial osteopathy help me ? 

  • Problemas de ATM (articulación temporomandibular, bruxismo, ruidos meniscales).

  • Cefaleas y migrañas.
  • Problemas oculares.
  • Problemas de oído acufenos y tinnitus.
  • Sinusitis y rinitis.
  • Trastornos emocionales: depresión, insomnio, estrés, hiperactividad, problemas de concentración, ansiedad.
  • Alteraciones viscerales como estreñimiento, reflujo, acidez…
  • Niños y bebes con problemas en el parto, cólicos del lactante, torticolis infantil, estreñimiento

However, osteopathy is a holistic therapy, so the patient must be treated in three areas: structural, visceral and cranial, since if these three systems are not in balance, our body will not function properly.

Visceral Osteopathy

Visceral osteopathy releases existing adhesions between the viscera and the rest of the structures so that the mobility and functioning of the viscera is adequate. 

The viscera (stomach, liver, intestines…) are supported in our body by ligaments, muscles, fascia…

Therefore, the moment there is any dysfunction or alteration in the mobility of these structures, the functioning of the viscera will be altered, or conversely, any problem with the viscera can influence any of these tissues: muscle, ligament, since when a viscera has a dysfunction it can cause referred pain to other parts of our body, generating fascial and ligament tensions that cause stiffness and therefore pain. 

It is important that this mobility is harmonious to avoid these alterations.

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

To understand how osteopathy works, it is necessary to know that the body is considered as a whole, where each organ, muscle and ligament is related to each other.  Imagine our body as a perfect gear in continuous movement .

If one part does not move correctly, it causes other parts to not be able to perform their function either. Thus, shoulder pain may be related to the liver, neck pain may be due to a digestive problem or a lumbar condition may be caused by an alteration in the intestine. 

Visceral osteopathy treats functional and structural imbalances throughout the body, including the musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous and respiratory systems . The fundamental basis of osteopathy is movement, which is why it is about improving the mobility of visceral structures. 

One of the “conductors” of the movement of the viscera is the diaphragm , a respiratory muscle that moves the organs downwards in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if this movement also presents some abnormality, it can cause alterations in the correct functioning of the visceral organs or some problem in the musculoskeletal system.  

The other movement that the viscera itself generates is called motility. If it does not work as it should, it can also cause its ability to function to decrease. 

The viscera are anchored to a bony structure by ligaments and fascia and are also connected to each other by ligaments, mesos and omentum. They all have a close relationship with the diaphragm. 

With visceral osteopathy we can therefore treat numerous pathologies: abdominal pain, reflux, hiatal hernias, gastritis, infantile colic, constipation, menstrual pain, back pain…  

Remember that osteopathy is a holistic therapy, so the patient must be treated in three areas: structural, visceral and cranial, since if these three systems are not in balance, our body will not function properly. 

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Pediatric Osteopathy

Pediatric Osteopathy is the  gentle and completely safe adaptation of structural, visceral and cranial Osteopathy techniques to babies and children, which are applied to adults without generating excessive tension.

We obtain effective results in the short term and the therapy is quick and easy to apply. From the first session, children usually react positively to the stimulation that Osteopathy has produced. 

It is a great tool to treat our little ones from even their first days of life. Newborn babies usually have a quick response to therapy, improving their discomfort, and helping their correct development from baby to child, and also from child to adult. 

Pediatric osteopathy requires a great deal of knowledge because the baby cannot provide us with apparent information, and we have to know the problem that affects him, its cause and its treatment.

At our centre we use very gentle structural, cranial and visceral osteopathy techniques, in which our specialist physiotherapists rely on their extensive knowledge of children’s physiology to detect and correct any problems they may have. 

Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura
Osteopatía Xátiva, Osteopathy, Clinica fisioterapia Xátiva-Centro osteopatia y acupuntura

Some disorders that we address with pediatric Osteopathy 

  • Cólicos del Lactante, gases, estreñimiento, reflujo Gastroesofágico. (Saber mas:cólicos del lactante)
  • Tortícolis Congénita o adquirida ( saber más: torticolis congénita)
  • Deformaciones craneales (plagiocefalia, escafocefalia, branquicefalia)
  • Alteraciones del pie (pies zambos, pies cavos…)
  • Alteraciones de la columna vertebral
  • Cefaleas, migrañas, cervicalgias, dorsalgias, lumbalgia…
  • Otitis, lagrimal obstruido( saber mas :lagrimal obstruido) alteración funcional del ojo
  • Trastornos de las funciones básicas (sueño, hambre, vigilia…)
  • Déficits del desarrollo normal del niño